Jeff Ifrah Entrevista en el foro 2 +2
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Jeff Ifrah Entrevista:
Jeff Ifrah, el abogado que representa a las empresas que están detrás de Full Tilt Poker y también los jugadores completa Tilt Poker, accedió a responder preguntas en el foro 2 +2. Aquí está un breve resumen de las preguntas más interesantes y respuestas.
Q: Do you honestly believe that all players will get paid? or is Ftp just delaying things as far as they can? Is the investor possibility much lower now then it was a month ago?
A: Since FTP started the process of speaking with outside investors that has been their entire focus 24/7. They have made crystal clear to every investor that the US players and European players must be paid.
Q: Is there any chance of all players getting paid without an outside investor providing a significant cash injection into FTP?
A: Personally speaking, yes, it will be very difficult for the company to meet all obligations without the help of an investor
Q: Have there been offers that would have paid all players in full but were rejected for other reasons?
A: No.
Q: Jeff, what is your and FTP's expectation, as far as the outcome of this next AGCC hearing is concerned? Another delay or license reinstatement?
A: This is really tied to the investor. The company is focused on showing significant progress to Alderney.
Q: Once/if an investor is confirmed. How long would you anticipate it would take for the site to open again? Closer to weeks or months?
A: I am guessing but I would say at least 30 days. Hey, I will be back on tomorrow morning, just lost power for the fourth time and am turning in.
Q: Is the deal negotiation still actively going on these days? Or it has stopped and FTP is still waiting for new investors?
A: Very actively progressing.
Sr. Ifrah tomó algo de tiempo libre del trabajo para responder a esta pregunta. Según él, no cargado incluso de Full Tilt para estos servicios.